Coronavirus Update

Currently only medically necessary personnel are permitted on campus; all other visitors are restricted from entry.

January 6, 2021

Mayo Healthcare Completes First Round of Vaccinations to Protect Staff and Residents Against COVID

103-Year-Old Evelyn Graham is One of the First Residents to be Vaccinated

103-year-old Evelyn Graham receives Coronavirus vaccine

Mayo Healthcare, in partnership with CVS, has administered the first round of the COVID vaccine to residents and staff. Mayo’s eldest resident, 103-year-old Evelyn Graham, and Patrick and Raequel Gordon, two Mayo LPNs who married during COVID, are among those who received the vaccine first.

“We are pleased to be able to offer the COVID-19 vaccine to our residents and staff,” noted Timothy McAdoo, Executive Director at Mayo Healthcare. “Our residents have a much higher risk for getting sick, being hospitalized, or dying from COVID-19. Our caregivers live in the community where the virus continues to spread, and yet despite the circumstances, they continue to risk their lives caring for our most vulnerable. This vaccine has been shown to provide a great deal of protection against the virus and will save many lives.”

Mayo Healthcare offers residential care and assisted living, skilled nursing, continuing care, and rehabilitation services. The healthcare facility helps patients remain as independent as possible.

Patrick and Raequel Gordon receive Coronavirus vaccine

CVS Pharmacy teams will make three visits to each facility to ensure residents and staff receive their initial shot and critical booster, according to CVS. Most residents and staff will be fully vaccinated three to four weeks after the first visit. CVS Health expects to work with long-term care facilities to complete the vaccination effort in about 12 weeks.

Mayo Healthcare will continue to follow all necessary precautions, including wearing personal protective equipment and conducting regular testing, to ensure the utmost safety. “We are grateful that federal and state officials designated long term care residents and staff as a priority for the first phase of distribution for the vaccine,” continued McAdoo. “This has been a particularly challenging year for our staff, our residents and their loved ones. With COVID-19 cases continuing to rise within our community, we know there is still a long road ahead. However, we are encouraged that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has found the vaccine to be safe and effective. We are hopeful that we can begin to put this pandemic behind us and look ahead to brighter days.”

Since 1939, Mayo Healthcare has been a local treasure in Northfield. Offering licensed residential care and memory care services for elderly adults, plus expert rehabilitation and a compassionate, supportive skilled nursing, Mayo Healthcare’s mission is to provide exceptional, high-quality health care that exceeds the expectations of our residents and families, and to promote and maintain an inclusive environment in which every resident, every family member, and every staff member feels respected and valued.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020 at 2:00pm

Family Townhall Meeting

You are invited to the Family Townhall #4 for families at Mayo Healthcare.

Meeting URL:
Meeting ID: 924 8809 2837

Join by Telephone

For higher quality, dial a number based on your current location.
Dial: US: +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 436 2866 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833

November 17, 2020

COVID-19 Update

To Our Residents and Family Members:

We want to provide you with an update on the situation at Mayo Healthcare regarding the novel coronavirus or COVID-19, including the number confirmed cases as well as efforts we are undertaking. The safety and wellbeing of our residents is our top priority. We are doing what we can to limit the spread of COVID-19 within Mayo Healthcare.
Since May 8, 2020 (when the federal government issued reporting requirements), we have had only one presumptive positive case of COVID-19 amongst our staff.

Here is a more detailed update regarding the prevalence of COVID-19 in our area. As of November 17, 2020:

  • One staff member has tested a presumptive positive. No residents have tested positive. When a resident test positive, we notify residents and their representative(s) of their condition and implement protocols for their care and treatment. We also follow guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), including return to work guidance, for staff who test positive.
  • We have had zero residents and staff have recovered from COVID-19.
  • All other residents and staff have tested negative for COVID-19.

Mayo Healthcare is staying in close communication with local and state health officials to ensure we are taking all the appropriate steps under current circumstances. We are also following guidance from the CDC and CMS to reduce the spread and impact of COVID-19, such as:

  • Enhanced infection control precautions
  • Screening residents, staff, and essential visitors for symptoms
  • Restricting visitation and entry of people to the building
  • Testing staff and residents for COVID-19 based on current protocols and
    availability of tests
  • Postponing or carefully limiting communal activities including social distancing
    and other infection control precautions

Due to government privacy requirements, we cannot divulge specific information about the individuals who have confirmed or suspected COVID-19, unless they are your family member, and you have the necessary permissions to receive such information.

We know you are concerned about your loved one, but it is crucial that we restrict visitation to reduce the spread of this virus to others. We will contact you directly if your loved one is suspected or diagnosed with COVID-19.

We also understand that connecting with family members is incredibly important to our residents. Family members are encouraged to connect with their loved ones through video chat, calling, texting, or on social media. Contact Vicki Slocum to schedule a video chat with loved ones.

We need your help in battling COVID-19. Please visit the CDC website to learn how you can help prevent the spread in our community, since continued spread in the larger community increases the chance the virus will work its way into our building.

This is a difficult time for everyone. We will continue to provide you with updates. Please know that we are adhering to guidelines from the local and state health departments, which continue to evolve as we learn more about this virus.

We know that you may have questions and we encourage you to e-mail us or call us at (802) 485-3161.

Executive Director

Townhall Thursday, Nov. 19, 2020 at 4:00 PM EST

Tim McAdoo is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting to discuss a presumptive positive case among our staff at Mayo Residential Care. No residents or additional staff have tested positive at this time.

Phone one-tap: US: +19294362866,,92776173097# or +13017158592,,92776173097#
Meeting URL:
Meeting ID: 927 7617 3097
Passcode: 241436
Dial: US: +1 929 436 2866

For additional information about this upcoming event, please contact us at (802) 485-3161.

September 30, 2020

Family Town Hall Summary

Dear Mayo Friends & Family,

Thank you to those who participated in our first Town Hall meeting on Tuesday September 22, 2020. For those of you who were not able to join us, you can see the agenda and presentation here. We will be posting information about upcoming Town Hall meetings on our Events and Activities page, as well as on our Facebook Page.

Quick Recap: Mayo Healthcare is currently free of COVID-19

  • Testing has been completed on all residents and staff of Mayo’s skilled nursing
  • Mayo Residential Care will be tested upon the directive by the Vermont Dept of Health
  • Town Halls will be held via Zoom monthly to better communicate with family members
  • COVID-19 Newsletters will be sent out monthly via e-mail

Mayo Healthcare is finalizing our protocols for indoor visitation. We are happy to announce that indoor visits will resume mid-October. We are working to allow indoor visits while minimizing risk to loved ones. The indoor visits are based on new CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) regulatory directives issued on September 18, 2020. Please be aware that we receive new regulatory guidance frequently, so modifications and changes are likely.

We are developing an online platform for families to register for visitations. In the meantime, visits will continue to be scheduled by calling (802) 485-3161 or e-mailing Becky Kirk.

We will continue to post information on social media platforms including Facebook and this website.

We will also be providing influenza vaccinations in October for residents and staff. Responsible parties will be contacted in the coming weeks to discuss consent forms.

We welcome your feedback and suggestions. If you have any questions that you would like to be addressed in our next Town Hall meeting, please email them to Anne Lattrell, Social Services Director. We encourage participation in the Town Hall and recommend using the “chat” feature to ask questions. (Please know we are unable to discuss HIPPA protected information in the Town Hall Forum.)

We appreciate all the support and comments from family and friends. We will get through this together. Let us know how we can help along the way.



Town Hall Agenda & Presentation
June 16, 2020

Planning for Outdoor Visitation During Pandemic

As the global outbreak of COVID-19 continues to unfold, please be assured that the health and safety of our residents and team members remain our number one priority. Mayo Healthcare takes our responsibility to support seniors and their family seriously and we are committed to continuing to do so during this time.

Vermont’s State of Emergency continues to be in effect; however, we are anticipating that Governor Scott will authorize limited nursing home visitation in controlled, outdoor setting. Currently, the interior of the facility remains restricted to medically essential personnel.

While we remain focused on prevention, we also look to reunite family members and residents with scheduled outdoor visitation as part of our pandemic response and re-opening plan.

When authorized, we expect the following conditions and safeguards to be included in the forthcoming guidance:

  • Visitations are limited to controlled outdoor setting
  • Visitations must be scheduled, and the visitors pre-screened
  • Contact Tracing will require some demographic information as part of the pre-screening
  • Visitors are required to provide and wear personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Visitations are limited to two pre-screened visitors per visit
  • Visitations will be in 20-minute increments with disinfecting between each visit
  • Visitations will be scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:30-4:30PM
  • Residents are recommended to wear a facemask
  • Out of state visitors must comply with current self-quarantine requirements
  • Frequency and duration may be limited due to staffing requirements
  • Families are initially limited to one visit per week to accommodate all residents
  • Social distancing requirements of six feet remain in effect
  • Staff will be on hand to respectfully monitor safeguards
  • Continued adherence to these criteria will help to ensure residents, staff and loved ones remain safe.

As we all adjust to the “new normal,” we wanted to express our appreciation to the steadfast dedication of our staff and understanding of our residents and families.

All Activities and Information are Subject to Change due to weather or other unforeseen events.

April 17, 2020

As of today, Mayo Healthcare has zero confirmed cases of COVID-19 among our staff and residents. There are currently confirmed cases in Washington County; therefore the Mayo Healthcare campus remains closed to visitors. Families are encouraged to schedule Skype and Facetime calls with loved ones by emailing our Activity Department.

We request that family refrain from visiting with residents at the windows for reasons of both dignity and infection prevention. We also request that items not be dropped off for residents (i.e. food, books, etc.) unless specifically requested by the staff. These additional actions are necessary to mitigate the possible transmission of the virus from the community into the Mayo campus.

The Mayo Healthcare campus remains open only to medically essential and operational staff. We are very grateful for our dedicated staff who continue to report to work every day in support of our mission. We continue to adhere to strict monitoring of staff each shift through enhanced screening and temperature readings. Any staff member who has even mild symptoms is screened by nurses and restricted from working.

Mayo Healthcare is closely monitoring the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. As the situation continues to change rapidly, our top priority remains the health, safety, and well-being of our community, residents, and staff. We are planning for several contingency scenarios and taking decisive, informed action to limit the spread of COVID-19 while ensuring the continuity of our mission.

Mayo Healthcare has established a secured quarantine area for residents and staff should the need arise. Each of the eight isolation rooms has been modified specifically to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The rooms are separated from other portions of the facility and include new environmental measures to safeguard against transmission, including special microbial paint which kills viruses within two minutes of contact, and replaced flooring for easy disinfection and cleaning. We have also taken measures to improve ventilation in key areas to shorten the time it takes to remove respiratory droplets from the air. We have purchased a plasma air filtration system with an estimated operational start date of May 2020.

As the pandemic progresses, we will continue to take appropriate measures to protect the health of our community. We are staying in close contact with the CDC as this situation changes and will continue to ensure our practices are consistent with the most up-to-date information. We will continue to update the community regularly to keep you informed of additional measures.

We’re grateful to you, our family members and community. The effects of COVID-19 will be far reaching and in response, we all need to think sensibly and empathetically. To combat COVID-19, we will continue to have to revise our operations. However, we continue to work with the CDC, Department of Health, and medical professionals, virtually and by telemedicine sessions. By following the latest trusted science and leading with our hearts, we will get through this together.

Timothy McAdoo, LNHA, FACHA
Executive Director/Administrator

March 18, 2020

Following Governor Scott’s declaration of a state of emergency yesterday, we recognize people are concerned about the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), and we wanted to notify the community about actions we are undertaking at Mayo Healthcare in response to COVID-19.  Currently, only medically necessary personnel are permitted on campus; all visitors are restricted from entry.  Although Mayo Healthcare and Residential Care have no presumed or confirmed cases of the virus, we are taking extra precautionary methods to ensure the safety of our residents, staff, and community.

Below are some of the actions our staff is taking to ensure a clean and safe environment for all.  We will continue to refine and add to these efforts as additional guidance is available.

  • Our housekeeping team are following our strong cleaning procedures of resident rooms, common spaces and have increased the cleaning of high traffic areas.  We have many products, ranging from germicidal that prevent infection to disinfectant sprays that kill biological contaminants to diluted bleach, following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines.  Our team is especially focused on “high-touch” areas, such as railings, drinking fountains, faucets, and doorknobs. We are also regularly checking to ensure that all soap and hand-sanitizing dispensers are filled and available for use.
  • Our food service team is taking extra precautions in our kitchen and dining room(s).  In addition to our current cleaning and sanitizing procedures, we have trained our staff to use a disinfectant spray that destroys several viruses within 30 seconds; this product will be used before meal service.  We are reviewing proper handwashing techniques with all staff and are providing additional hand sanitizer for residents’ use as appropriate.
  • Our nursing team is working with residents and staff to quickly treat illnesses and recommend appropriate actions.  All staff are screened when reporting for duty, this includes a four-part questionnaire, and recording the temperature.  Any staff with a temperature above a 99.5 degree, are assessed by the Infection Preventionist, and sent home as appropriate.
  • Our transportation staff are cleaning all vehicles before and after use with approved cleaning solutions. They are especially focusing on “high-touch” areas, like handrails, door handles, seats, and flat surfaces. All staff have been advised on proper hand-washing techniques.
  • Our activity staff is keeping residents and families connected digitally through Skype and Facetime. Our Skype address is Mayohcnorthfield.  Please email Vicki Slocum, Activity Director for more details.

The health and safety of our residents and staff remain our top priority.  We are communicating regularly with State and Federal officials in regard to COVID-19.  At this time, we have cancelled all community events, including the Taste of Maple. We will contact you with updates as the situation evolves.


Visit our FAQ page for more information, or contact us for a personal conversation. We’re happy to talk with you and answer any questions you have.

Come for a Visit

We’re happy to meet with you, give you a tour, and introduce you to Mayo in person.
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Mayo Healthcare